Running Routes

Running Routes

Listed below are some of our favorite running routes. Click on one of the routes to view a map and elevation profile for the run. You will also find a link to view additional information about the run including an option to send the route to your phone with turn by turn directions for the route.

Name Distance (Miles) City
Group Run 0426 3.01 Newnan
3.04 032916 3.04 Newnan
3 Mile 3.05 Newnan
Group Run 031516 3.07 Newnan
5k 3.1 Newnan
Group Run 0322 3.15 Newnan
Group Run 1031 3.49 Newnan
6.12 Miles 0409 6.12 Newnan
7.57 Route 7.57 Newnan
9.05 Mile 0213 9.05 Newnan
10 Mile Bypass Route 10.1 Newnan
10.2 022816 10.2 Newnan